Since AMS Inc., was founded in 1942, company’s products have been used by individuals, businesses, non-profits, governments and universities throughout the world for a wide variety of sampling purposes. AMS equipment is primarily used for environmental and geotechnical sampling and monitoring, as well as for remediation activities. They also provide simple solutions for a variety of other fields, including: agriculture, construction, golf & turf, mining, pest control, etc.

The AMS product line grew as Art's reputation for innovation grew. When the Soil Conservation Service of the United States government asked Art to develop a tool for sampling soil, Art took the task seriously. The auger design from that project is still in use today. Over the next few years, a complete line of hand sampling equipment, including augers, hammer driven samplers, specialty shovels and accessory items, were developed.

With the cornerstone firmly planted, the company was ready for growth. In 1980, Art's son, Rick joined the company. Recognizing that the future was in the global market, Rick expanded the vision from a successful local business, to a major, global competitor. With an aggressive marketing plan and an expanded product line the company grew to more than 20 times its original size.

Now recognized as AMS, Inc., and manufacturing a variety of soil sampling equipment, including, hand sampling tools, a dual tube sampling system, portable groundwater monitoring system, and the powerful, world renowned PowerProbe™ direct push drill rigs. AMS is still driven by the simple philosophy that each product is a “Work of Art." Each piece of AMS equipment is custom built and exhaustively tested by company’s highly qualified employees, to meet the customer's exact needs and specifications. The organization’s diligent efforts to provide a quality product combined with a strong commitment to technological improvements of the AMS product line and even greater commitment to customer service, has solidified AMS, Inc. as a major manufacturer in the global environmental industry.


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